Friday 16 December 2011

Hello everyone!
I'm awesome and hope the one who is reading is awesome too. Christmas- Ah! I love Christmas.. Everyone here has started decorating their houses with lighting and Christmas trees.

The decorations and my pretty Christmas tree at my house. It's beautifully decorated with lighting by my mom. 

This is the largest Cemetery of Italy- A tribute to the soldiers those lost their lives during the wars. 
This is something interesting!
There are names written on the wall those who sacrificed their lives and on the top it is written PRESENTE meaning present! :) :)

This is an unique fruit. it's a lemon-you can imagine how big it is according to the hand. The middle part is sour like a lemon and the white part is sweet. Isn't that hard to believe? I love this fruit.

Went to Slovenia unexpectedly, we must thank Gillian-my friend's host parents who took us to Slovenia.
My right leg is in Italy and my left leg is in Slovenia. This feeling was awesome!

Sacher- This is an Austrian sweet which I had it in Slovenia and at every bite of it I was like OMG! This is so good, this is so delicious!
Ok, so you gotta see this carefully!
There is a bicycle that you see, obviously..haha but the thing is its standing without support! Magic, isn't it? Well here is the secret, it is resting on a paddle with the support of the fence or whatever it is. The man just kept it and went away within a second and I was there wondering what the hell did he do with that bike!
(: Intelligent Italians! :)

This is the mixture of Italian-Indian food.
I boiled Italian pasta with Indian Maggi (a type of noodles) Masala which I brought it from India and had it. It was obviously delicious!
And yeah I forgot to tell you something- I put on 5 kilos so far! Work is still in process! :/ :|

 The last Rotary Dinner was a Christmas dinner. So we got the beautiful scarfs with the Rotary banner on it as a gift. This was my Italian dad, Andrea's idea. This is for him- "Dad, I know you follow my blog regularly so I would like to share something..haha. The idea of scarf was amazing! Grazie mille!" (Thank you very much)

Just had a good farewell for the Norwegians who went back to Norway after their lovely three months' stay in Italy. It was really hard to say Good-Bye. I'm gonna miss them! 

Lastly I would like to share a video of my cat, Michele..I call it Mickey! It's a funny video for me. Hope it's the same for you!
Have fun! :)
Hence Proved, Cats are very smart! haha I love this cat! :)

I should wind up now! Hope to see you soon. Be happy, be healthy like me.. haha

Arrivederci! (See you soon)

Monday 5 December 2011

Welcome to my blog!
So how am I at blogging? Are you all enjoying? I would love to get your comments if you have something to say. Though I am getting better at it, there is always room to improve.

Aww! They are so cute, aren't they? They are the best brothers in the whole world that I have seen so far! :)
This is one of the funniest mugs I have ever seen. Daffy Duck! :)

On the 17th November it was my three months in Italia! Mi piace! (i like it)
I went to Austria for a Rotary meeting. The name of the place was Sankt Veit approximately 2.30 hours from my place. We took a bus. it was pretty cold in Austria around 2°C. When we reached Austria, it was kinds strange 'cause suddenly everything was in German. Austrians are pretty good at English too.

With the help of this Gentleman, i learnt some random words in German like- Good evening, my name is Grishma from India, bye, thanks and all stuff!

When i entered the restaurant, I saw an Exchange Student like which I did not expect. She is Wakana from japan but she is being hosted by Austria. I am really glad that I could meet her.

It was so strange that within just few hours we were in another country and everything was in German!

Guess what is my Dad doing. Well on that day the temperature was 0°C so there was frost gathered on the car. So he is removing the ice. It was pretty much cold that day.

On the 19th the Exchange Students from my district were going to Cremona. There was a festival named Torrone- it's a cake festival and everyone eats Torrone there.

This is Torrone. It's amazing. There are a lot of different kinds of Torrones so it's hard to explain in particular. But this one was with chocolates-loved by everyone! :)

This is the biggest dog ever seen in my existence! I am kinda afraid of dogs and my friends here make fun of it.. haha.. but I have almost succeed in overcoming this fear!

The Exchange Students of district 2060 and district 2050. It was so nice meeting them. Felt like back home! :)

The next day I took Torrone for my class. They were all so excited to have it. This made me more closer to my classmates. :)

On 25th, we went to Trieste from school trip. We were going to go in Physics University and do some experiments. I chose to do cosmetics with my friends. We were going to make lip-stick, hand-lotion and perfume. We also learnt how to make gummies (candies).

This is what we made- Lipstick, Cream, perfume..

My dad's 50th Birthday. Golden Jubilee- Oh yeah, a big party. He offered us a big cake which was amazingly delicious. :) Grazie Dad!

On the 3rd of December, I met Daniele- last year's exchange student to Italy from South Africa. Of course now she speaks Italian very well. I hope I become fluent like her very soon. It was really nice meeting her. 

Hope to see you soon. Thank you, take care..

Ciao! :)