Monday 30 April 2012

Southern Italy- rest of the days!!

Hello :)
I know I told you that I would be updating my blog everyday in Southern Italy but I had been so tired that as soon as I returned home I went to bed. I hope you understand that. I finally got enough time to write my blog nicely.

So today we visited Pompei and a lil' bit of Salerno. Pompei is a very beautiful city known for it's ancient Roman ruins.  Pompei was completely submerged by the tremendous amount of flow of lava of the volcano Vesuvius.

It was a pleasure to see such a good life of Romans so many centuries ago. This was the bar and they used to sell wines here.

Then we saw Salerno and it's city. Salerno is another one of the 'must watch' cities. It's on the beach and it's hilly above all so we can have a good view of the city from the top and trust me it's just incredible to see such a city.

After such a long time went to the beach, though we didn't take a bath in the sea as it was not warm enough.

Visited the coast of Positano which was beautiful!!

It was raining cats and dogs and so was it cold there but still couldn't stop myself from getting a Coke!! lol
As we were on on the beach, there were lots of sea animals. This snail got on my rain-coat. Eww! That was creepy!! :|
While we were on a beach, we were collecting stones and my host dad was like don't touch this thing. Firstly I didn't understand then I was like, OMG is it a Jellyfish?!! Yeah it was. Found so many dead Jellyfishes by the seashore-Not a big deal. Damn! Are you serious? :)

Ice-Lemon--The speciality of Positano. The lemons are real huge. it was good but too sour so was difficult to finish a glass of Ice-Lemon. :)

This is Amalfi.
We saw the Cathedral of Amalfi and it was pretty. This was our group. I met a girl named Alessandra (the one on the extreme right.) She was pretty much fun to be around. I enjoyed her company.

Buona Pasqua (Happy Easter)

So I got a big chocolate in the shape of an egg on Easter. Inside the egg, there is always a surprise. It was a mobile holder with a Tweety. That's cute.

We went to greet the parents of my host mom in Sasso di Castaldia and we ate in Sala Consilina. Both of the places are nearby ofcourse. We went to the mess there. Sasso di Casataldia is a little village of 300 inhabitants. We walked around the place for 15 minutes and my host father was like we saw the whole village. XD

We played Briscola with me and Aaron being in one team and Antonello and his father in law being in another team. They were really good at playing Briscola and we had learnt in 8 months- Does make a difference. We lost just by one point!! Holy God! Why?! lol
Then we saw this place where it was all covered with water. It was beautiful trust me!! They believe this water to be holy just as the Indians believe River Ganga to be..I've noticed that the Italians are pretty superstitious. Here Lady-bugs are believed to bring good luck so they keep things with lady-bugs like key chains, bracelets, etc. etc. I find lady-bugs very pretty.

Today, we were in Avellino, at our host parents' friend's house. They had a huge house with a huge compound and lots of dogs and cats. There were two huge white dogs, one baby German Shepherds and the other tiny dogs. Just to tell you- I'm afraid of Dogs! :O specially German Shepherds :O :O..they are huge. Even the baby German Shepherd was huge. I had to enter anyways. I tried to take away my fear. I succeeded actually except with German Shepherd. lol But I promise that fear will go away soon too.

By the way, I made a Pizza by myself!

Ecco!! My Pizza's ready. Don't mind the shape but people said that it was good. Do you want some? Nah.. 5 euros please.. ahah

This was one of the best things I've ever done in my life. Trust me it's more fun than a ride. My host father in Avellino introduced this cycle on Ferrovia. It's actually a bicycle with normal paddles. The bicycle is made in such a way that it can be paddled both ways. The railway tracks were on a slope so while going we just had to paddle for 5 minutes then the speed got so high that we had to keep a track of breaks. The speed must have gotten to 30 km/h or maybe more. The real fun was that we were on the mountains, with a beautiful view on a railway track with a kind of train without a roof and engine!!

I know you might be thinking that I'm such a bad girl but I'm sorry. Who wouldn't stop for a second to take a photograph of this?! I saw this on the door of men's toilet and I had to snap a picture of it. You can laugh! It won't cost you anything..XD
We went Bowling that night. On the right were the tables designed near Bowling. Pretty, isn't it?
The girl with me is Lauren from California. She is an exchange student too and was being hosted by our host parents in Avellino. We were the first exchange students whom she was metting so far so she was pretty excited to meet us.
All the posters on the wall were of Coco-Cola and there was no Coco-Cola in that restaurant. Instead they had Pepsi. Seriously?

The 12th of April, I finally came back to Cordovado. It was an amazing week in an amazing place with an amazing family. I feel so lucky to come here and Italy and visit almost all the famous cities which my classmates and friends have not visited yet!

It was raining with ice-balls here. The first time for me seeing this. It does not hurt like it hurts while Hailing but it still can hurt if we stand while it's raining. Rains here are not pleasant, it's chilly. I miss the way we used to stand under rains in Bharuch (my city in India). Now that I've been in such a cold weather for 8 months, I don't think I'll ever get cold in India..ahah

On the 14th of April, we had a function of our School. There were 7 students chosen to give a speech on languages- how difficult it is to learn a new language, it's advantages and all stuff. I was one of them. I had to give it in Italian. For me it was a bit different- I was supposed to speak about my experience in Italy, in Italian. There were more than a 100 people. I was not at all nervous. You know why? 'Cause I've been giving so many presentations here that I've got used to it. XD Surprisingly, my Art's teacher took a video of mine. As soon as she'll send it to me, I'll upload it on the blog. You won't understand it ofcourse as it'll be in Italian but I'll write a translation under that.

On the 17th of April, we had a school trip to Venice.
We rode a Gonodola while we were returning. The one which was for public, as in for 10 people together.

On the 21st, I went swimming after such a long time, almost after a year. My speed has gotten slower but I can never lose my style of swimming. Just some more practise and I'll get my speed back too. :)

The 25th of April was the "Liberation Day of Italy" so it was a holiday. Debora, one of my very good Italian friends, invited us for the Anniversary party of her parents completing 25 years together. We had such a lot of fun. I met a person who goes to India every 3 months and stays there for a month or so. He is in love with India, Indian food, the people. I've met so many people here who literally loves India. This makes me so happy to be an Indian.

On the 27th, we went to Ravenna, the place where Dante (the Father of Italian language) died.  

On the 28th, we went to Sagra (fun fair).
I didn't take a lot of photos as my batteries got discharged. So I took this from the Internet just to give you an idea which ride was my favourite. The hangings that you see were attached to the swings and at certain distance on the side of the ride was a pole with a toy(chicken) hanging over it. This ride is always done in pairs as the partner who is behind you is supposed to pushe you in such a way that you go high enough to get the chicken. I was the lightest among my friends so I was sitting in the front and one of my friends behind me. We were almost there the second time we tried but someone in front of us already took it. -.- I can't deny saying that I loved this ride.

I'm getting obsessed with cats now. The frist thing that I'm going to do once I get back to India is to go buy a cat or take a cat from the street. It won't be a problem as I've got good at
handling cats and understanding their body language :D

Now comes the Picture of the Blog!!
These are my crazy friends!! <3
I'm not going to explain what it is. If you get it then smile, if not then feel free to comment on my blog to ask me.

1st May is the Labour Day and we have a national holiday. My school gave us a holiday also on the 30th so that we get three days without school. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday!! XD

This brings to the end of the month, meaning the end this blogpost. Please don't get mad at me for writing a novel. I hope you enoyed it though. 40 days to go. I've already started crying a bit day by day. It's going to be hard leaving my friends and getting on the plane in June. See you in my next blog post. Till then be happy, be healthy. 

Ciao :)


  1. This is Great, Grishma. I'm going to try catching up on the posts of yours that I've missed.

    1. Ha sweet! It won't take you too long as not much posts are left to update now and it's in your mother languge..easy enough XD
      Hope you enjoy it though. :)
